
May 27, 2015

Jack and the bean stalk activity (video included)

What you'll need:
• dry beans
•Paper towel
•Zip lock bag

Directions: 1. Fold paper towel in to small square about 2in x 2in (doesn't have to be exact)
2. We paper towel with water until nearly dripping.
3. Place bean on the center of the paper towel
4. Insert bean and wet pepper towel into the zip lock bag.
5. Press air out and steal bag
6. Tape bag in a window that gets morning sun if possible.

Our Experience: 
It was a smooth going activity. i already had a a sprouted bean to show them so the knew what we were trying to make happen. We planted that in soil after the the bean project.
We also watched Mickey and the Bean Stalk before jumping in to this activity, just to get everyone extra interested. Best part no clean up. yay for mommy!


May 21, 2015

Neon Colored Rice (video included)

What You'll need:

  • White rice
  • vinegar
  • food colors
  • Rubbermaid container with lid
  • baking pan


  1. Feel you container with rice about half full.
  2. Add 4-6 drops of food color
  3. Put the lid on the container
  4. and shake until rice is fully coated with color
  5. pour rice on to the baking pan to dry.

Our Experience: We love Neon colored rice, like really. Its so simple to make and easy to store. we can dig in it, we can search for things in it and take our hot wheels off roading in it. Its our favorite.
